Richard F. Waldraff, Professional Land Surveyor
PO Box 507, Bethlehem, PA 18016-0507
610-694-9224 info@waldraffsurveying.com
GIS Data Collection – is a service utilizing DGPS and advanced data collection technology to obtain mapping grade positional and informational data for use in compilation of Graphical Information System (GIS) databases.
GPS Site Control – is a service to provide precise 3D site control using static GPS on large sites.
Aerial Mapping Control Survey – is a service to provide aerial mapping firms with 3D ground control visible from the air for aerial mapping projects. Aerial Mapping is used for larger scale mapping projects, subdivision, land development, highway or major utility route projects of for GIS mapping by municipalities or private firms.
Geodetic Surveying – is a service utilizing precise GPS measurement for determination of latitude/longitude and elevation on the earth’s surface.
Expert Witness Testimony – specialized service provided in legal settings whereby the surveyor provides “Expert Testimony” related to a project or case – most commonly having to do with boundary line disputes. Richard F. Waldraff, PLS has been qualified as an expert in District, County and Federal Court.